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Practice - Life Energy Enhancement Technique

There is something magical in this world that can make you healthy, happy, and wealthy. Many wise people understand how to use this magical thing, and that thing is energy. This article comprehensively explains how energy can change your life. What is energy? Based on my years of observation and understanding, I would define energy as a non-material substance that can make your body healthy, your mind happy, your intellect sharp, your relationships close, your wealth abundant, and your career successful. It is an intangible substance that gives you extraordinary attractiveness, persuasiveness, appeal, and influence. It is a non-material substance that manifests your desires into reality, an invisible and intangible substance. I call it non-material, but it can also be referred to as aura or magnetic field. Non-material is also a form of material, and it is a material that determines the reality of the material world. Just because you can't see or touch something, does it mean it doesn't exist? In fact, there are many things that you can't see, such as yin and yang meridians, acupoints, true energy, karmic force, reincarnation, willpower, and feng shui. It is precisely because you can't see them that you don't understand their power.

When problems arise in the real world, ordinary people only seek answers and solutions within the real world, without using higher-dimensional wisdom to solve them. In fact, this world is divided into three realms: the upper, middle, and lower realms. The lower realm is the tangible material world, the middle realm is the intangible material world, and the upper realm is the world of consciousness and soul. The upper realm determines the middle realm, and the middle realm determines the lower realm. Only higher-dimensional wisdom can solve human problems, and the way energy moves in the non-material world determines the existence of the material world.

Let me give you a few examples. Why does your loved one dislike you and abandon you? It's because the energy you emit is not enough to attract and resonate with them. Why can't you make money? It's because your energy is weak, too weak to produce unique high-quality products and services that can effectively solve other people's problems and make them willing to pay you. Why are you weak and prone to illness? It's because your lifestyle and work inadvertently deplete your vital energy, leading to insufficient energy to support the normal functioning of your organs. Why do you lack wisdom and always make wrong decisions, putting yourself in a predicament? It's because your consciousness and soul lack the energy of right thoughts, right mindfulness, right intentions, and right views, resulting in the inability for wisdom to blossom and bear fruit in your mind. Why can't you discipline your children well? It's because your energy is not strong enough to make them aspire to be like you. You don't have enough energy to become someone they admire. Children are not disciplined, they are influenced and inspired by strong energy. Friends, when you establish the concept of energy in your heart, you will have a new set of higher-dimensional wisdom. With this energy analysis method, you can see through the essence of all life problems. Remember this conclusion: if you are not living well, it is because you have not managed your energy well. Insufficient energy is the root cause of all life problems. Everything in this world, when broken down to its core, is composed of energy. Your current state of life is a reflection of your current energy state. Truly extraordinary individuals fundamentally have a mechanism for replenishing and nurturing energy, and they release and attract energy through certain processes and channels, manifesting a seemingly extraordinary real world. I can tell you with certainty that the power of manifestation is real, but the prerequisite is that you must gather enough energy. Can tons of steel fly into the sky? Yes, because the thrust energy of its aviation engine is very powerful. The same goes for people. Can a person go from having nothing to being abundant and prosperous? Of course, they can. Do you have any acquaintances who seem to have a cheat code in life, doing whatever they want and achieving success effortlessly? It's because they possess such strong energy that they cannot help but succeed.

Now, let's get to the point. Since the main core work of living a good life is managing energy, how can we enhance and elevate our own energy? This is a very profound and wonderful life project. What I'm about to say is important, my friends. There are six ways in which energy operates within a person.

The first is your physical energy. If your energy in this aspect is insufficient, you will be weak and prone to illness, and your lifespan will be shortened. Wang Yangming had strong energy in other aspects, with abundant achievements, but his physical energy was too weak. It was constantly depleted by the imperial court's official duties, and he died at the age of 57. Ni Haisha, a talented Chinese medicine practitioner, wrote books, recorded videos, conducted training, and accepted disciples. However, his work, career, and money consumed him. He achieved a lot but also depleted himself too much, and he died mysteriously at the age of 59. Some people say that they were sent to the human world by heaven with a mission, and once their mission was completed, they left. You may admire them, but don't overly romanticize them. In fact, when they were alive, they may have loved life more than you and I, and they may have wanted to live longer. It's just that their careers unfolded, and they couldn't help but move forward. They were bound by the interests of the people and the moral expectations of society, and they had no choice but to continue. They wanted to live longer, but they couldn't. That's all there is to it. Physical energy is the most fundamental energy that affects your health, vitality, and creativity. It is closely related to your environment, breathing, diet, daily routine, seasonal changes, celestial movements, and inner emotions. I strongly recommend learning some basic knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine or Taoist health practices. At the very least, study the Huangdi Neijing (Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon). Traditional Chinese medicine and Taoist health practices are entirely new universal systems, and you can never stop learning about them throughout your life.

The second is your soul and consciousness energy. If the energy in this aspect is too weak, you will be extremely ignorant and unable to control your brain, karmic force, desires, and emotions, including the five poisons, six desires, and seven emotions. All these things are poison to your soul and consciousness, and they will pull and force you to constantly act foolishly, dragging you into the quagmire of difficulties and abysses. Many psychological problems, such as anxiety, depression, road rage, insomnia, procrastination, addiction to smoking, alcohol, sex, drugs, and games, are fundamentally caused by weak soul and consciousness energy. What is a remarkable person? It is someone who has freed themselves from the control and influence of the brain, karmic force, desires, and emotions. They view the world truthfully and act according to laws and truths, both in their actions and in their interactions with others. On the other hand, ordinary individuals are controlled and manipulated by their brain's experiences, karmic force, emotions, and desires. They distort their view of the world and act against laws and truths. I recommend studying the wisdom of Buddhism and the heart-mind learning of Wang Yangming. By deeply understanding these two, your consciousness and soul energy will become extremely powerful, and you will become very wise, with divine assistance in your actions.

The third is your energy in appearance and attire. The lack of energy in this aspect will cause you to miss out on many opportunities and influential people. Why do celebrities always exude a sense of sophistication? It's because they pay attention to every visible aspect of themselves, from their hair, eyes, eyebrows, nose, and teeth, to their necklaces, earrings, clothes, shoes, watches, and bracelets. Almost every detail adds energy to themselves. How much effort have you put into your appearance and attire? How much time, energy, and money have you spent? From now on, you must dress and present yourself in a way that aligns with your industry positioning and exudes sophistication. Remember, sometimes the feedback you receive from your appearance and attire is more valuable than your talent. Why do many beautiful women on TikTok gain millions of followers just by showing their faces and making cute expressions? It's because they put effort into enhancing their own energy. Appearance and attire are a profound field of study. If you value the energy it brings, invest time in learning and improving it, and you will benefit for a lifetime.

The fourth is the energy of giving and sharing. I will say something serious, and you can argue with me, but if a person in their lifetime does not find their own way of giving and expressing, and does not establish their own system of giving and progress, they will never be able to turn their life around and live a good life. This is because there will be too little withdrawable merit and blessings in their karmic bank account. Giving is a form of love, and love is a form of power, a form of energy. I have never seen a person who makes others live better but cannot live a good life themselves. Giving can be done offline or online. Give what you have, what you are good at, but you must persist in doing it for a long time. The longer you persist, the stronger your energy will become. The stronger your energy, the more wisdom you will have, and the larger your blessings and bank account balance will be.

The fifth is the energy of the environment and layout. Your living and working environment is your spiritual practice ground. The location, layout, decoration, ornaments, lighting, and sound of your spiritual practice ground create a certain power that influences the rise or fall of your life and the state of your cooperation with partners. Whether you are happy or not, energized or not, and whether you can successfully sign contracts with clients, your presence plays a crucial role. If you understand some astrology, destiny analysis, and feng shui, you will understand that all celestial bodies, stars, the moon, the sun, the earth, mountains, rivers, houses, and objects emit non-material energy. From the quantum perspective, your skin and pores are like open doors, allowing all non-material energy to freely enter and deeply affect your health and destiny.

The sixth is the energy of business and services. The architecture and structure of your products and services, as well as the efficiency of completing transactions, determine your ability to monetize your wealth. Many talented individuals have untapped potential in their wealth because they are limited by the structure, quality, and efficiency of their products and services. Either they don't know how to create products or provide services, or their products and services are too singular and insufficiently systematic, or the efficiency of their product and service transactions is too low, or the quality is poor. The often-heard terms "brand power," "product power," and "service power" are essentially the energy formed by products and services. When the energy of your products and services is so strong that people cannot help but buy them, that is why some people never worry about making money. I strongly recommend studying and emulating the best practices in your industry. Learn from the models of excellence in your field, and let their energy manifest in your products and services.

My friends, what is cultivation? It is actually the cultivation and enhancement of these six types of energy. These are the true good knowledge that allows you to establish yourself in this world. When your physical energy becomes strong, you will be healthy, cheerful, generous, and full of vitality. When your soul and consciousness energy becomes strong, you will be wise, tolerant, idealistic, and faithful. When your energy in appearance and attire becomes strong, you will be likable and attract many opportunities and influential people. When your energy of giving and sharing becomes strong, you will be attractive, and good fortune will continuously come to you. When your energy of the environment and layout becomes strong, you will be happy, full of fighting spirit, and easily close deals. When your energy of business and services becomes strong, you will be able to accumulate great wealth.

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