

量化交易员 || 投顾、资管 || NFT holder || 拥抱web3 心外无物,本自具足!起心动念皆善,无我而利他!

The value of life

The meaning of the journey of life lies in experiencing the ups and downs of the world, tasting all the bitterness and sweetness, discovering the true self, and elevating the soul. Hardships are nothing but a kind of feeling, an experience. By raising awareness, feeling and facing them directly, they will pass like the wind, while the true self remains unmoved. Spend a lifetime doing altruistic deeds, following the principles of heaven rather than personal desires, ensuring the happiness of parents, and contributing to the difficulties of the elderly and children in the world.

May this current bull market bring more profits, allowing parents to be brought close for care, letting them enjoy their later years, fulfilling their wishes, and giving them peace of mind. Help more elderly and children in mountainous areas, ensuring that the elderly in need are cared for and the children have access to education, food, and clothing, growing up healthy. Make charity work a lifelong commitment.

I am grateful for the blessings from above, for providing me with a spacious and bright house where I can have my parents close by, meditate together, take leisurely walks after meals, and enjoy family time. I can cook and watch sports with friends at home, with a Western kitchen for Western cuisine, a Chinese kitchen for Chinese dishes, and a laser TV to watch tennis matches together. Thank you for giving me the U8 to drive to mountainous areas to help the elderly and children, seeing their joyful smiles, truly feeling the joy and happiness.

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