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Ability is no match for karma, and karma is no match for willpower.

Ability is no match for karma, and karma is no match for willpower. Willpower is a secret weapon that can greatly influence one's fate. What is willpower, and what is the underlying logic behind its impact on one's fate? If you can use willpower correctly and accurately, it is equivalent to being reborn.

Let's start with a small multiple-choice question. Based on your intuition, which of the following two sets of wishes do you think is easier to achieve, more likely to receive help from others, and encounter less resistance? The first wish is to become rich and earn a lot of money. The second wish is to become rich and earn a lot of money, and then have a detailed plan to sincerely help more people escape poverty and live a good life like mine. The third wish is for my son to be admitted to a good university. The fourth wish is for my son to be admitted to a good university, improve his personal abilities, contribute better to society, and bring about positive changes. I believe that no matter what social class or level you are, your intuition will tell you that the second and fourth wishes are easier to achieve because the first one is driven by greed, while the latter two are driven by willpower.

What is willpower? Simply put, it is the strong manifestation ability that occurs when you have a strong desire to achieve a positive intention and inject energy into it through thoughts, language, and actions while being in a state of flow.

Note that there are several key points in this sentence. The first key point is that the wish must be a positive intention, meaning that the focus of this wish must be beneficial to lifelong friendship. What you gain is only a byproduct, and your willpower should not be driven by personal greed and external demands. Otherwise, it will be ineffective or face great resistance. This is a common mistake that many people make. They are well aware of the power of willpower, but they use it incorrectly because they do not understand the underlying logic of how willpower works.

The second key point is that willpower must be achieved under the guidance of conscious awareness, not through brain thinking. This may be difficult to understand. You must distinguish who is making the effort and exerting force. Is it your conscious awareness or your brain thinking? Conscious awareness does not judge; it only enjoys the process of doing what it loves. On the other hand, brain thinking constantly calculates gains and losses and acts deliberately. You must have seen many people who effortlessly achieve success while others struggle and work hard but make little progress. The subtle difference will be experienced sooner or later, even if you don't understand it for now.

The third key point is that with the correct usage, willpower has a strong ability to manifest desires. There is a saying that "supernatural powers are no match for karma, and karma is no match for willpower." Even if you have supernatural abilities, you cannot escape the framework set by karma. However, willpower can change karma. It is real and not illusory. You must treat willpower with a sense of awe and respect.

So why is willpower's manifestation ability so strong? What is the underlying logic of how willpower works? This is the focus of this article, and once you comprehend it, you will achieve enlightenment. I want to tell you that the universe, nature, and all living beings are interconnected in ways that far exceed what our naked eyes can see. Everything is happening in the quantum field that we cannot perceive. You are me, and I am you. You are another version of me, and I am another version of you. If you are well, I am well. If you are not well, I will not be well either. Don't think of yourself as isolated or special. The truth is that everything that happens to you, including the existence of human beings, is the result of countless causes and conditions. There are infinite causes before a reason, and infinite results after a result. The connection between all living beings is so close, and the law of cause and effect operates so perfectly. Therefore, if you want to bring about positive changes in yourself, start by bringing positive changes to the external world and all living beings. And while doing so, you must close the calculating brain thinking that focuses on gains and losses and let conscious awareness lead the way. Be fully engaged, wholeheartedly immersed, and enjoy the process as if in a trance. Enter the mysterious state of conscious flow, and you will find that your actions become effortless, and you can generate infinite creativity and perfect quality. Imagine that on this correct path, willpower will easily manifest everything you desire, and what you receive will be a byproduct that brings you joy and abundance. This is the underlying logic of how willpower operates, and this is the core reason why willpower can influence one's fate.

What I am talking about is not new at all because our ancestors have long realized it. Wang Yangming's Neo-Confucianism is very profound, and its core is the unity of heart and reason, the cultivation of innate knowledge, and the unity of knowledge and action. What is the unity of heart and reason? It means that human beings have infinite superpowers inherent within them. You can have whatever you want, as long as you know how to stimulate them correctly. What is the cultivation of innate knowledge? It means that after you comprehend the essence of the unity of all things in the universe and the law of cause and effect, you generate willpower based on the best interests of all living beings and the optimal action strategy. Therefore, innate knowledge is a powerful willpower, and willpower is profound innate knowledge. What is the unity of knowledge and action? Under the guidance of a grand willpower, a person is fully engaged, wholeheartedly immersed in a state of trance, and pushes forward, manifests, and ultimately fulfills their life mission and value. Friend, if you have reached this point, it means you have embarked on the journey of awakening. I hope you can give it a thumbs up and bookmark it. Your actions may bring hope to tens of thousands of people.

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