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Awakening - What hinders our success?

What is hindering our success? Each of us has great potential and ideas, but why can't we unleash them? Why can't we live in a state of inner abundance, joy, and outer wealth? Have you ever deeply thought about these questions? If you also have these confusions, please read on.

When it comes to this topic, some people may say that everyone's life is predetermined. I don't deny that everyone has their own destined fate, but your fate has a highest upper limit and a lowest lower limit. You can strive to reach the highest upper limit of your destiny, which is also remarkable. You should know that even among beggars, there are different levels. The leader of a powerful beggar can earn hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars a year. Do you think you can compete with such a successful beggar? Now, let me make a bold guess. In order to improve yourself and achieve success, you have made a lot of efforts, such as telling yourself that you have to work hard to win, that hard work will be rewarded, and that you need to learn and maintain discipline by participating in various workplace skills or business knowledge courses. But when you look back at these things, they haven't allowed you to achieve a state of abundance, joy, freedom, and full expression of divinity. What is the core reason? In my opinion, the core reason is that you are holding onto a gold mine but not seeing it, and instead constantly begging for the leftovers from others. I want to tell you that your inner self is a gold mine. Your inner self can manifest everything you want. Your inner self can create all miracles in the world. Your inner self can allow you to live any life state you desire. And all you need to do is to put a little effort into your inner self, and what you will gain will far exceed the sum of what you beg for from others. Now, imagine yourself as a projector. If you don't want to watch a horror movie of your life anymore, then focus your attention and energy on your inner self, change the internal projection source, and switch it to a comedy movie. Your current life state is the projection of your inner self. The inner self is the projection source, and the outer self is the projection image. When the projection source changes, the projection image will also change. In short, what hinders our success, limits our full potential, and prevents us from fully expressing ourselves is that our inner self as a projectionist is having problems.

So, the question is, what exactly is this problematic projection source? There are many factors, but I want to talk about one of the most important ones, which is the limiting beliefs and low-frequency energy vibrations that exist in your inner self unconsciously, without awareness and without being taken care of. If you can handle this problem well, it will be enough to change your destiny. What does it mean to be unconscious, unaware, and not taken care of? It means that you haven't noticed or become aware of its existence, or you think it is natural and let it control, manipulate, limit, and hinder you. What are limiting beliefs and low-frequency energy vibrations? Simply put, they are delusions and energy that are inconsistent and contradictory to the universal principles and laws. On the one hand, they come from the influence and indoctrination of your family, education, and social relationships. On the other hand, they come from the processing and fabrication of your egoic mind. They either put you in a controller mode or a victim mode. In the controller mode, the most significant characteristic is that you feel powerful, like a tyrant. You want to control many people and things. You are ambitious, have strong desires, big goals, and want to acquire many external things. You are good at calculation, analysis, competition, showing off, proving yourself, and creating discomfort, suppression, conflict, and pain for others. In the victim mode, the most significant characteristic is feeling inferior, thinking that you are not good enough, doubting yourself, feeling incapable, unworthy of what you want, intermittently regretting past worries and anxieties, worrying about the future, feeling depressed, complaining, believing that bad things always happen to you, feeling that others are unreliable, feeling powerless, lacking goals, direction, and motivation, and always blaming yourself. Under these two modes, one strengthens the self, and the other denies the self. All the thoughts, language, and actions you generate will consume your energy, occupy your attention, hinder you from attracting more opportunities, hinder you from connecting with more useful and interesting people, hinder you from experiencing more diverse scenes, hinder more possibilities of life from presenting to you, and hinder you from truly expressing your life and living with free will. How many lives on Earth have never been liberated from the limiting beliefs and low-frequency energy vibrations formed by these two modes?

Now, what we need to do is to be aware and observe, clean up this garbage, and implant a new software system to evolve into an internal system without obstacles and limitations. So, the ultimate question arises, what is the right belief system and energy frequency with zero obstacles and limitations? How do we adjust to this state? I want to ask you to step out of the human realm, view the entire Earth's life from the perspective of the universe, from the perspective of the sun, deeply understand the laws and rules of the universe and align with them. I have developed four principles through years of practice, and I want to share them with you.

First, maintain curiosity. Because the essence of life is an experiential journey, and experience is the core task of this journey. Our attitude should be curious like a baby, not missing any opportunity for experience, including people and things. Whenever there is a chance and condition, try to experience and enrich your life journey. Don't calculate whether the result of the experience is good or bad. Good has its value, and bad has its value. There are still results behind the results. Don't let your limiting beliefs and low-frequency energy vibrations hinder you from experiencing. A life with new experiences every day is called living, while a life that remains unchanged and revolves in the past is just existing. It is very sad that many adults have lost their curiosity due to pollution.

Second, maintain awareness. You must understand that the real you is not your physical body, but the divine consciousness that can observe what your body is thinking and doing at all times. In the present moment, this consciousness can determine whether you are under the control of limiting beliefs and low-frequency energy vibrations. It can determine whether you are in a controller mode or a victim mode. It can determine whether you are perceiving the truth of things or generating delusions in your mind. It can determine whether you are on the right track or the wrong track. Let the divine consciousness dominate your body, be vigilant, and clean up the problematic internal projection source. Don't give the control to your brain's thinking. This is very important.

Third, maintain dedication. Start with the best interests of friendship and all sentient beings, start with fighting against common enemies, and open up a career with joyful dedication. Because everything in the universe is interconnected, the wisdom and energy of the universe, the degree of connection between all things, the abundance inherent in each person's inner self, and the precise and flawless laws of cause and effect in the universe, all these things far exceed the scope that humans can see and understand. You just need to do not resist it, comprehend it, and harmonize with it. Even in a small field, continuous dedication can activate all your potential and create life miracles. And your sense of separation, attachment, scarcity, and division are the biggest obstacles to potential and miracles.

Fourth, maintain quality. Focus on the present moment, concentrate on the present life, give your full effort, burn yourself 100%, with a sincere and respectful attitude, diligently polish the quality of every thing, create with enthusiasm, and live out your true self. With the works and products you create, provide services that bear your unique imprint for the world. The entire universe will come to help you succeed.

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