

量化交易员 || 投顾、资管 || NFT holder || 拥抱web3 心外无物,本自具足!起心动念皆善,无我而利他!

SocialFi social platform Crossbell interaction

Crossbell is a social platform developed by Natural Selection Labs, the parent company of RSS3, and was released in May this year. The concept behind Crossbell comes from the mission of its parent company, Natural Selection Labs, which is to "liberate the information society." Crossbell focuses on social activities and aims to help users achieve this ultimate goal by reclaiming data ownership.

After experiencing Crossbell, I have to say that it is the best Web3 social product I have ever experienced:

(1) It accurately hits the pain points of Web2 social products, such as data ownership not belonging to users and the problem of information silos across products. Crossbell's solution is perfect.

(2) The product experience is very smooth, even smoother than Twitter. I don't know how they did it, but this point can overshadow all other similar Web3 products.




  1. CSB Public Chain Faucet


Enter your wallet address and click "CLAIM" to receive 0.02 CSB, which can be used for approximately 1000 interactions. You can claim once every 24 hours, and only accounts with a CSB balance below 0.02 can claim.

SocialFi Social Platform Crossbell Interaction 1

  1. Mint Character

Open the link:, click "connect," and use the Fox Wallet to connect. Follow the prompts to add the CSB network and switch.

SocialFi Social Platform Crossbell Interaction 2

SocialFi Social Platform Crossbell Interaction 3

Then click "Mint new character," fill in the name and handle name, and click "I've decided" to save.

SocialFi Social Platform Crossbell Interaction 4

  1. Mint Early Bird Badge

Click the "xCharacter" column on the left, and the right column is the entrance to achievement badges. Click "Mint."


Click the "Early Birds" badge and click "Mint." Other badges can also be claimed after meeting the requirements.


  1. Twitter Sync Method

Use xsync for synchronization. Open the "xSync" column on the left, turn on the sync switch, and then bind your Twitter account below.


That's it.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.